Tuesday, June 9, 2009

here goes nothing...

I've tried my hand at blogging many times and failed miserably. I normally get stopped at the title of the blog itself and quit before I even begin. I am feeling pretty good about this latest attempt for a number of reasons:
1. I'd like to think I'm growing in maturity and can stay at least semi-consistent with my posts.
2. I have a lot of free time and boredom
3. God has seen it fit to teach me a lot, and I need to record it so I don't forget and have to re-learn previous lessons.
4. My boss is making me do this (not really....but kind of)

So here I am busting out on to the World Wide Web!
I'm calling this "thoughts from the inner room" which is inspired by Luke 12:2-3 when Jesus is talking about things that are said in secret(the inner room) will one day be proclaimed from the rooftops (world wide web).
Too many times I keep things locked up or unsaid and either forget them or hide them. This is my attempt at bringing to light both the things I am going through and learning in hopes that by cataloging my experiences I (and anyone else who happens to stumble upon this site) may learn from the things God is showing me.
My desire is for this to be a very real and honest look into a life of a guy who is trying live the life he's been called to.
Feel free to comment when you feel like it.
Until next time...